
Enjoying Lookbook.nu

Yes, I've found myself enjoying Lookbook.nu for the past two days. Thanks to Ryan for the invite! :-) browsing and hyping the outfits there made me want to buy more and more clothes, shoes and accessories!

  • My mom and I have an unscheduled Ukay-Ukay date. We were supposed to go yesterday but we were both broke so it got postponed. Can't wait to go there tho!

  • Mom met up with her cousin earlier and said that my ninang (her cousin) would be dropping off A LOT of her clothes that she doesn't wear anymore here at home FOR ME! I'm so excited to see them! As far as I can remember, she's one of my stylish godmothers so I really can't wait for what she's gonna give me. Of course all of those would be hand-me-downs but I don't care! Mom said most of them my ninang's worn only once or twice.

  • I just reserved something online now. It's an overall and it's really cute. It's for 750 pesos. I hope the seller replies. I really wanna get it :-)

  • I'm gonna call my grandma in the morning and ask her if we should go to the tiangge in the afternoon. I NEED NEW SHOESS!!!!!! Two of my favorite shoes got destroyed last week. :-( BV

Well that's it. Good night now!

If you have a Lookbook, hype comment and fan me!!!

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