I still can't get over my LSS on Maybe This Time! I wonder what songs there are in this week's episode? I shall find out maybe tonight or tomorrow, when the download finishes. Can't wait!

For the mean time... today's outfit:

Topshop white shirt, vintage high-waisted printed skirt, belt from tiangge, Miu Miu replica hand bag, vintage brown chuka boots, socks
Reese and I were outfit twins today! She texted me last night telling me to wear a high-waisted skirt and a belt just because... so I did. At first I was wearing my saddle shoes with it but the sole came off (again :-<) before leaving the house so I had to change. I've never worn those shoes out yet coz the sole keeps on coming off every time! I have to have them repaired soon. I wore boots because the weather was gloomy and it seemed like it was about to rain (it did drizzle a bit). It was my first time to wear them and they didn't disappoint! They were comfortable, which I didn't really expect. :-P I guess I'll be wearing them a bit more often now. :-)
We had a quiz in HISTCIV today and I'm pretty sure I'd get bad results because I didn't really study for it. But at least I wouldn't feel that bad for failing since I know that I didn't work hard for it. ;-) and at least by now I already know I have 12 points because of the bonus 10 points I received from the game last last week and 2 points for a joke written at the end of the test!
I'm home early today. Time to do my homework! I'll be watching One Tree Hill and maybe Glee after. Ta-ta! xx
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