Mango tank top, Mandarin Oriental uniform blazer, skinny jeans, black pumps
Today was pretty tiring--had three photo shoots (2 of them I shot and 1 I modeled for [will post pictures next time :)]) and learned the Tinikling. My feet are throbbing :( dancing barefoot in the DLSU Central Plaza is torture! The ground's pebble-y (or whatever you call it) and my feet felt like they were gonna burst any minute! I'd take pointe shoes pain over this anytime :(
Btw, my video essay went great! Well not really great, great... but my professor said it was good for a first-timer, so I'm satisfied :) I'm pretty sure now though that I'm not pursuing a career in tv/film directing! My video can be seen here. Might post it on Youtube soon so just watch out for the link!
Anyway, Dancelebration's in 4 days! People in the Philippines/Manila, if you wanna watch and support your favorite dance teams (including us :P), email me @ pixierixie@gmail.com or (for Lasallians) visit our booth at the SJ Walk! Tickets are available at 170php each. February 6, 2010; 3pm - high school division, 7pm - college division.

great blazer!! :D
Thank you! Would you believe it was actually a uniform of hotel employees? :P
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