The latter part of the night was very fun. It's great to be part of a big group again! I love how LSDC-Contemporary is big in number at the moment (and I really hope it stays that way--babies please don't quit!) :-D

My Prod babies! I'm Lola Prod now, since I was last year's DM xD

Contempo! \:D/



THE Bitch and Bitch-to-be. Baby girl, patience is a virtue. You can only start bitchin' by October 16 ;-) for now, the throne is still mine--and everyone knows that.

Momma and lola prod!

Me, pretty much getting caught in the act bullying my lovely babies.

And then some... :-)

People are People dress (I hid the straps to make it a tube dress), Charles and Keith heels, bib necklace worn as headdress
Fun, fun night. Next year, we shall bag more awards!
Photos by Larissa Nodalo and Loyce Lopez
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