
Tonight I'm Gonna Give You All My Heart Can Give

Best decision ever to brave through the traffic alone and spend about 200 pesos on a cab rather than staying in for the night last Saturday. :)
Surreli Pops Orchestra Christmas gig at Tiendesitas!

1. and 2. Me and my lovely girls Ella and Sheky
3. Trisha, Enif, me
4. The bunny and bee of life! :3 me and JM :)
5. With the artista, JL of AJKA! :P and LYO loves.
6. Hello there cutiepatootie!

More photos to follow, perhaps. These are the only ones I've seen on Facebook so far and unfortunately I didn't bring my camera then. :(

Title: This Gift - 98 Degrees. Probably one of my favorite Christmas songs right now! :)

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