Last week was DLSU's University Week.
Last week, I lived my life as a ghost at Harlequin Theatre Guild's Haunted Hall 2. :)
I'd have to say it was one of the best experiences I've ever had! I enjoyed helping out HTG and I'm glad they allowed me to :) it was hilarious watching people go through the hall screaming their hearts out for fear ;p there were times when I had to drop my character because I couldn't contain my laughter! All the curses from the audience, bruises and scratches were definitely worth it. :)
The last day would have to be my favorite. There were too many 'ghosts' inside the hall so I decided to walk around school for publicity instead. It was extremely hard to stay in character especially when your friends call and talk to you!!! But I think I was able to manage pretty well. ;p and I felt like such a celebrity! So many pictures, lol. Here are the ones I found around Facebook so far:

So, what do you guys think of my ghostly self? ;p if anyone sees more photos of me during my ghostly days on Facebook, please do tag me! :)
Oh and btw, have I mentioned that in the Haunted Hall, we actors weren't the only ones scaring the audience? Hmmmm. Yes we've had our own share of paranormal activities in the HH! Thank God it's over. But it's something that I'd definitely miss! Thank you again, HTG :) I love you guys! I'd be willing to help out again next year. :)