Since I'm broke as hell and whatever money I'm receiving next week will be used for Malaysia and probably purchasing my graduation dress and shoes, I can't start online shopping again. The weather's been keeping me home all day long which means I'm just in front of my laptop browsing, window online shopping, ladiladila. Depressing. :-( BUT since my graduation is coming up, I can ask for graduation presents. TEEHEE. So here's what's on my list:
No electricity at home = spent most of the day sleeping, half of the afternoon and the whole night in Tomas Morato!
First up, Starbucks with mom. Then, my friend Inno said he'd be in Tomas as well so when he finally got here, I left my mom and went to him (Bubble Tea)! It's been a while since I last saw him so yeah :-) we're still together at the moment, with another friend, Issa. Word's out that we still have no power at home. Grar, I hate the weather. :-( the rain makes me feel all kinds of sad!
Me bugging Inno while he studies for an exam tomorrow xD
Trying my best to look Chinese... but I fail.
It's already 10:48pm and we're still here. They're charging us for charging (whut). Only giving us an hour of charging for free. Sucks. Good thing I got to charge my laptop in Starbucks awhile ago, I'm only on my first couple minutes here in Bubble Tea! :-)
PS. I don't really like the milk tea here :-(
PPS. listen to The Weeknd's Loft Music (where my blog title's from). Been listening to it over and over since I first heard it a couple days ago!
I have been a very bad fashion blogger (read: lazy to take outfit photos haha) that I turned my blog into a more personal one instead.
I find it funny how I tend to dress up for school more when I come from home, not from the condo (considering my condo was just a few steps away from the gates of school). Unfortunately though, I haven't been able to take photos of what I've been wearing to school (the few times I've been to school lately--for AUFA rehearsals) :-( I really suck at fashion blogging, okay. Even my lookbook and chictopia never get updated any more :-( but anyway here's just one addition!
Yesterday was family day at Greenbelt 5. Here's, well, what I wore:
My blockmate's polo which I have yet to return, jeans, Parisian heels, Impulse Co. Cambridge-inspired satchel (I stand corrected! Thank you, anon commenter)
Had John and Yoko for dinner.
And Gelatissimo for dessert! I had a cup of veronese chocolate and it was soooo good.
Here are my cousins!
And yep, that pretty much ends my sucky post. xD
I've been living the bum life for a couple of weeks now and can I just say that it sucks! I feel so bored all day and I tend to binge a lot (I feel like I'm turning into a pig any time soon) :-( hayayay. The only activity I have right now are rehearsals for AUFA which happens like at least twice a week. On the bright side, I'm leaving for Malaysia next week and graduation's the week after that! :-)
I'm feeling so emotional now that I'm done with my last concert as a member of the La Salle Dance Company - Contemporary! It was one hell of a show, I tell ya. Gaining so much positive feedback from the audience (I can't believe we actually had a full house on both shows! Happiness ♥) makes me so grateful to have been part of an amazing show.