We, the La Salle Dance Company-Contemporary, have been privileged enough to be invited by CCP to the CCP Open House Festival: Pasinaya 2012 that happened last Sunday, February 26th. It's the third year we have been invited to perform! We did three numbers: The Scientist, Lucent and Luma o Klasik--some of our favorite dance pieces. :)
And a little camwhoring before and after the event...
Haven't had a productive day like today in quite a while--a lunch date, some job hunting, window shopping, and dance rehearsals. Feels good to actually start my day out early. I've been trying to become a morning person for so long but my body clock won't seem to cooperate. For the past year or so, my body automatically awakes at 10 in the morning (unless I really really have to be up much earlier than that) so I start my day in the afternoon. Gotta change my ways! An addition to my non-existent list of New Year's Resolutions, perhaps.
My friend and I are trying our luck in the retail industry and as a matter of fact we just submitted some CVs to a particular store a while ago. I hope all goes well, I have my fingers crossed for this one. Not only will it be such a great opportunity, but to be working in one of the brands that I hold dear to my heart will be such an amazing experience. If that doesn't work out, well my friend and I are in a planning phase of a business venture we're looking forward to giving birth to. If we're lucky, both plans would work out and we'll conquer the retail industry--kidding, but yeah.
PS. I hate how my legs fail to register as long in some of my photos. I need a new photographer, lol.
PPS. I miss my SLR. Been using my iTouch for my photos recently and seeing the outcome of my shots makes me miss shooting with an SLR. :(
Whenever I stay home all day, it's either I sleep, eat, watch series, daydream til I fall asleep, or go through the blogosphere. Last night I decided to back read on fashiontoast and it was interesting to read about how Rumi started out. I guess she'll always be one of my inspirations. Can my life please be as good as hers?
Also yesterday I went crazy on youtube and watched countless uploads of Ellen just for laughs and a lot of videos of some of my favorite models. Recently, I've had people ask me if I ever did consider entering the modeling business, and honestly, I have! I just don't know how to start off--any suggestions? So while I've no particular clue on how to start out on my own, I've been drowning myself in some inspirational videos such as this one:
"The New Mix"
Karl by Karl Lagerfeld
featuring Arizona Muse, Abbey Lee Kershaw, Sui He, Anja Rubik and Saskia de Brauw
Karl does it again! I swear he is such a genius.
Anyway, off to look for work and have lunch with a good friend now. Dance rehearsals again tonight!
Been hooked to that Chaka Khan song since I reheard it on The Voice. I swear that Kim girl killed it.
Anyway. Hi! It's been a while since I've last been here. How are you guys? Hope you guys are doing pretty well. I've been a little busy lately, dancing as usual. I swear if I earned money for every single time that I danced (only happens every once in a while, unfortunately) and if I actually knew how to save up, I could be a little rich right now, lels.
Moving on, here's a hodge podge of what's been going on in my life lately:
Art in Action "Puta red" lips, lol. MAC Ruby Woo = best red lipstick ever. Polaroids are my favorite. I remember owning about three polaroid cameras when I was younger. Powerdance segment.
Valentine's Day Had to steal the rose from a friend, just for the sake of being able to say that I actually got a rose on Valentine's! To say the least I received a leaf and some candy...good enough. Alcohol ALL night.
Some random Saturday, supposedly hitting a party but ended up downing a round of drinks with my coach and a friend instead. Forever 21 dress, gifted denim vest, Brash heels
Video shoot with Brian Got kinda bored in the middle of shooting, lels. My 3rd chroma shoot in about 3 to 4 months! It was so weird having to act as boyfriend-girlfriend for this shoot. Amazing how it actually looked like we were shooting out of the country. This was actually shot on location at the Ayala Triangle Gardens, Makati. It was my first time there and I'm sure as hell going back to I guess lounge around and have some dinner with friends. Capped off the extremely hot day (summer vibes!) with some Jamba Juice! I got myself a Peanut Butter Moo'd with antioxidant boost while Brian got the Orange Dream Machine!
Oh and before I forget, I'd like to invite you guys to watch:
PASINAYA 2012! I, along with the rest of LSDC-Contemporary, will be part of it again (for the third time!). We will be restaging three of our most beloved pieces choreographed by the amazing Peter Alcedo, Jr. I will be in two of those pieces and I would really love it if you could watch! Check out the details on the poster.
Felt like Tinkerbell all night because I kept on spreading glitter everywhere, thanks to my shoes.
Here's what I wore to my best friend's birthday party at Fiamma last Saturday night. I transformed my graduation dress into a top and wore some white shorts with it, just to change the entire look.
Topshop dress, white shorts
Don't you just love the low back of the dress? I know I do.
Aldo earrings
I lugged along a vintage purse which my mom got for me from a thrift store (I think). Also arm and finger swagged, lol.
Vintage purse, Forever 21 'Jadore' and rose ring, Forever 21 gold and black bangles, Greenhills snake bangle, Greenhills ring, Swatch watch
Oh and the cause of all the glitter...
Asian Vogue Jeremy Campbell Foxy-inspired heels
And a little more of me with my friends and the birthday girl...